Managing Editor
Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Peter Herrmann
EURISPES – Istituto di Studi Politici, Economici e Sociali, Osservatorio Qualità Sociale.
University of Eastern Finland, Department of Social Sciences, Kuopio, Finland;, Italy
Dr. Jennifer Jackson-Preece
London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Ian Law
School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Yaojun Li
Institute for Social Change, School of Social Sciences, Manchester University, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Robert Lingard
The Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland, Australia
Dr. Tove H. Malloy
European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg University, Germany, and the University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Prof. Dr. Peder J. Pedersen
Department of Economics and Business, Aarhus University, Denmark
Prof. Dr. Carl-Ulrik Schierup
REMESO (Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society), Linköping University, Sweden
Prof. Dr. Steve Vertovec
Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany
Prof. Dr. Lisa Waddington
European Disability Forum Chair in European Disability Law, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Nira Yuval-Davis
Centre for Research on Migration, Refugees and Belonging, University of East London, United Kingdom