Prof. Dr. Amelia Hadfield
Department of Psychology, Politics and Sociology, Canterbury Christ Church University, United Kingdom
Managing Editor
Book Reviews Editor
Editorial Board Members
Prof. Dr. Jens Blom-Hansen
Department of Political Science and Government, Aarhus University, Denmark
Prof. Dr. Thomas J. Bräuninger
Department of Political Science
University of Mannheim, Germany
Prof. Dr. Wouter van der Brug
Professor of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Maurizio Ferrera
Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan, Italy
Prof. Dr. Stein Kuhnle
University of Bergen, Norway,
and Hertie School of Governance, Germany
Prof. Dr. Inderjeet Parmar
Department of International Politics, School of Social Sciences, City University London, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Sonja Puntscher Riekmann
University of Salzburg/Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies, Austria
Prof. Dr. Sieglinde Rosenberger
University of Vienna, Department of Political Science, Austria
Prof. Dr. Karen E. Smith
International Relations Department, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Maritta Soininen
Department of Political Science,
University of Stockholm, Sweden