Membership information

Librello was founded to democratize scientific knowledge. Our electronic journals offer unrestricted, unlimited, free access to any reader, with no subscription or registration required. Our members support the project through the payment of annual membership fees, allowing them to submit an unlimited number of manuscripts for consideration. All manuscripts undergo a meticulous and stringent peer review process, and only manuscripts deemed of sufficient quality and relevance will be accepted for publication. Our work goes beyond the organization of a fast, yet rigorous peer review and the archive of publications. For each journal we aim to publish the most relevant research and to guarantee the highest visibility of all articles by including our contents in the most important indexing and abstracting databases.

Librello Individual Membership

Membership is valid for one year and allows an author to submit manuscripts to all Librello’s journals without any further costs or article processing charges. The membership fee is set at 300 EUR.

To become a member of Librello, an author simply creates a user account at, and pays the membership dues by selecting the option “Pay Individual Membership” in his/her user account.  Membership fees can be paid via PayPal within 48 hours of registration. If an article has multiple authors, at least five of the authors, including the corresponding author, must be members of Librello.

Librello Institutional Membership

Institutions interested in supporting open access and increasing the proportion of their publications available to the broad public are welcome to join Librello’s institutional membership. The institutional membership benefits all affiliated researchers with the possibility of unlimited submission, and can be pursuit by an annual flat fee based on the number of academic and research staff of the institution.

Note: The institutional membership also applies for temporary collective organizations like research projects with multiple members.

For a membership quote please contact us at [email protected].

Why become a member?

  • You are supporting a not-for-profit, open access project
  • Membership is valid for one year from the date of registration
  • All publications in any journal offered by Librello are included
  • No further costs or processing charges
  • Complete access to up-to-date status of each manuscript submitted
  • Authors retain the copyrights of their published work

Policy for Membership Fee Waiver

The editorial work involved in the selection of suitable reviewers to the preparation of the layout of the final version of the article, and also the post-publication efforts (indexing and abstracting, marketing and hosting) demand highly qualified experts and has high costs. Nevertheless, we are aware that some researchers cannot afford the membership fees of Librello. We are committed to the accessibility of academic publishing by making all our content open, and now we want to step forward and extend this accessibility also to our authors.

To these authors unable to accomplish with our membership program, we offer the opportunity to apply for a membership fee waiver previous to the submission of the manuscript. The application should include the name and full affiliation of the author and cover the following topics: (1) Justification for the waiver request, including the funding source/agency of the research involved in the work; (2) Why the contribution is relevant and original in the field. The application should be sent by email to the managing editor of the journal and addressed both to the managing editor and Editor-in-Chief.

For any queries please contact us at [email protected].

ISSN: 1835-3800
2012 - 2025 Librello, Switzerland.