DOI: 10.12924/cis2014.02010028 |Publication Date: 10 October 2014

Challenges in Sustainability: Another Brick in the Wall

Barry Ness 1, * and José Alberto Fernandez Monteiro 2
1 Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), P.O. Box 170, 22100 Lund, Sweden
2 Librello Publishing House, 4000 Basel, Switzerland
* Corresponding author
Abstract: We are proud of Challenges in Sustainability's (CiS) fruitful start. A variety of quality research articles, editorials and notes have been published on a range of themes and topics, including sustainability governance [1], improved cookstoves [2,3], the potentials of 3-D printing in the global South [4], and the need for consiliences between the natural and social sciences and the humanities [5], to name just a few. Furthermore, despite the journal's short history, we are pleased with its high visibility, where numerous articles have been viewed or downloaded over 1200 times since publication. The high exposure rate and the quality of publications affirm our aspirations for stable growth and development in the future.

Keywords: Challenges in Sustainability; Librello; Open Access


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